
Naturalization of Hatchery Fish

Deliberate releases of captive-reared fish (stocking) are widely carried out in an attempt to enhance natural populations, either as part of restoration programmes, or to boost valuable sport fisheries. Yet, post-release survival of hatchery-reared fish is typically low and there is growing disenchantment with the role of hatcheries in reversing salmonid declines. We are developing tools and rearing protocols that can help counteract the effects of hatchery domestication and result in more natural, fitter fish.

Funding: NERC, Environment Agency Wales,
Cardiff Harbour Authority, KESS


Representative Publications

Robers et al.  (2011) . Biological Conservation 144: 1972-1979; Roberts  & Garcia de Leaniz (2011)Animal Bevaviour  82: 619-625;                                            Roberts et al (2009). Fisheries Management  & Ecology 11: 219-222;

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